~verb The inability to obtain sufficiently entertaining information to post to a blog.
I'm not sure if it's the weather, or the lack there of, that has contributed to my blog block but lately I have had a hard time coming up with topics. Maybe it's the fact that I haven't been riding my bike ALL the way to work lately that has been a problem. When I'm riding, I split the time between watching my rear view mirror and thinking about topics. Don't get me wrong, I have some topics that are floating around in my head but they haven't reached full maturation yet.
It's not like I have given up commuting. If you ask the cyclists I'm a failure since, unlike the 100+ miles a day Tour de Lance, I mean France riders or my patient's daughter who just completed a 400 mile 30 hr endurance ride, I have been doing the riding the 5 miles to town and catching the bus senario! But to the bus riding crowd, I'm a nut case for the extra trouble of having a bike to deal with on the bus!
I have had some amusing things happen on the bus this week, and while you may not find them entertaining, I did and since this is my blog, I'm going to write about them.
Monday~ A guy was angry that the bus driver let any bikes be put INSIDE the bus, and while it didn't disrupt his seating, when he got off the bus in a huff, he put on the most entertaining jiggity jig on the sidewalk using every imaginable flipping off symbol known to man at the whole bus. I've never been on a bus where that many people were laughing at once!
Tuesday~ Had to remind the bus driver (at the top of my voice, which can be quite loud) that he is suppose to stop at the bus-stops when people pull the signal instead of cruising right by....I almost told him to stop his major flirting conversation about all the "art" he makes on the side and pay attention but I thought I might be pushing my luck!
Wednesday~ Oh, today was fun, fun, fun! A guy sat next to me this morning who talked non-stop about music. Not just any music but Banjo music. I'm sorry to all you banjo lovers out there, but 5 minutes of that is about all I can take. I really never knew there was that much to talk about! It all sounds the same. I told him that and guess what? He agreed.
Still Wednesday~ First time EVER on the bus, after I pulled the stop cord I got up (holding on to the holding rails!) and the bus driver(different one from Monday) told me in his not nice bus driver voice to sit down and not be standing while he was driving! If I wasn't so shocked I would have laughed. In all the hundreds of times I have ridden a bus I have never been told by any driver to sit down. Exactly what does he think the rails are for, and what would happen when all the seats were full.....I was going to mention that to him...but his not nice voice convinced me I should probably save it for another day. (don't worry, I'll bring it up!!)
So, there you have it....nothing earth shattering...just life on the bus. I think tomorrow I'll ride to work.